News you need to know

Inbox is a total reinvention of email from Google
Gmail has been more or less the same since it was released in 2001, but Google has been working secretly for almost two years to reinvent how the service works.
Inbox is the result and is a new look for the service that brings the company's Material Design language to Gmail, as well as a number of great new features like email reminders and automatic categories.
Inbox is invite-only right now, but I've been trying it and it feels like a breath of fresh air that might be able to unbreak email.
Microsoft is finally dropping the 'Nokia' from Lumia
Ever since Nokia was acquired by Microsoft, we knew this day would come. No future phones will sport the Nokia brand, instead being called "Microsoft Lumia" devices. Here's what the branding will look like on a future Microsoft phone. The end of an era.
The hoverboard is now real... kind of
I thought this was another crazy Kickstarter, but it's very much so real. A working hoverboard is nearer than you think, you just need to be using it in the right circumstances, like at a specially made skate park. Maybe we'll get the hoverboards from Back to the Future after all? If you decide you want one, it'll cost you just $10,000.
Microsoft is doing great, and so are Surface Pro 3 and Office 365
At Microsoft's latest earnings, the company shared that it's doing extremely well and that the Surface line has become one of the company's fastest growing businesses.
Ello Raises $5.5 Million, cannot legally show ads in the future
Remember Ello, the hot new social network based on privacy? They've just raised a bunch more money and have set themselves up as a public benefit corporation, meaning they can't show ads at all.
Twitter wants you to use your phone number as your password
Alongside a new set of developer tools, Twitter unveiled a new way of logging into apps this week. Instead of requiring a password, developers can ask for your phone number and send one time passwords via SMS for login. Neat idea, since many can't remember their own passwords.
Must reads

Old Masters at the Top of Their Game
An incredible piece that interviews a group of successful people over 80 to see what motivates them to keep on working. Very inspiring and enlightening.
Better than meditation
As much as I like the idea of meditation, I've always struggled with it, just like the writer of this piece. What could be better than meditation? Perhaps simply sitting down and writing every day is the answer.
Why Instagram Worked
A great piece by Instagram cofounder, Mike Krieger, that looks at the early days of Instagram and the experience of being on the emotional roller coaster that is a startup.
Why iOS updates look small in size but need lots of space
Ever struggled to install the latest iOS? You're not alone, and as it turns out, it's because Apple's making double sure that your files are safe.
Apple on Hamburger Menus
Hamburger menus are terrible. They're unintuitive and confusing to users, so it's not surprising that Apple is discouraging developers from using them and instead nudging them toward new ideas.
Inbox is the App Child of Gmail and Google Now
The new Gmail design doesn't just look good, it's smarter too. The company is trying to make it easier for you to deal with email overload by automatically surfacing relevant content at the right time. It's going to get much better, too.
Peak Google
Almost every dominant tech company has eventually had its products eclipsed by something entirely unexpected, like Microsoft's PC sales being eclipsed by that of smartphones. Is Google's advertising next?
Meet the man with the hardest job at Facebook
How can you create empathy on a social network? It's near impossible, but Arturo Bejar is trying to help reduce cyberbullying and misunderstandings on Facebook to build a happier community.
Trending Products

Jawbone Drop lets you create playlists using tweets
This tiny app lets friends tweet you songs, which are added to a playlist in real time for listening. The idea seems great for parties, if you don't mind the music selection being a little... risky.
PhotoMath, the app that helps you cheat on tests
This app lets you take a photo of any math equation and it'll give you the answer. Where was this when I was in school?
Rooms by Facebook
Facebook's new 'Rooms' app is a throwback to the old web. You can create rooms to discuss and share about anything you like, such as passions, hobbies or simply to talk amongst friends. Cool idea, but unsure it'll stick.
The Final Word
Welcome to the new Charged!
It's finally here, the new design for Charged! Content is king, so I've moved to an easier to read, simple format that removes distractions. It needs a little tweaking but overall should make it much nicer to read! One big change I need to point out is that news item titles are now links as well as the normal link at the end of each item.
As a reminder, I started Charged to make it easier for you to keep up with weekly technology news, interesting blogs and new products, by turning the week of news into an easy to consume weekend newsletter. I'm Weekend Editor at The Next Web and spend a lot of my time reading news, so you don't have to.
I hope you love the new design - there's now over 2,555 of you and I'm so happy you chose to part of the Charged community. If you have any feedback at all, get in touch! Otherwise, enjoy the new look.
Until next week, Owen